
Know Lovebird

SMPN1Bungkal - Do you know the figure of a lovebird bird? This bird is popular because of the character who can have an emotional connection with the owner. Named 'lovebird' was reasoned. This bird does have a strong social attachment. They tend to be seen perched together on tree branches in the long-term social sphere.

Lovebird birds are one of nine species of birds that are classified in the species genus Agapornis . Eight of the nine species are African inhabitants, while gray-headed lovebird birds have native habitat in Madagascar. The nature of this bird is monogamous life in the wild. In addition, they also include birds that like to whistle and sing throughout the day, especially at dawn and dusk. They can also live in a span of 10-15 years.

In general, lovebird birds are relatively small. Its height is only about 13-17 centimeters and weighs around 40-60 grams. They are also called the smallest parrot species.

Know Lovebird

Lovebird birds are known to have blunt short tails, and large and sharp beaks. Wild lovebird birds are usually wrapped in green with other color variations in the upper body, depending on the species. Lovebird Fischer birds and black lovebird cheeks have a striking white color similar to the rings on their necks. Many color variations are produced from the cultivation of popular species in agriculture.

Lovebird birds consist of three large groups. The first is dimorphic, a group between males and females having a different physical appearance. The types included in this group are lovebird Madagascar, Abyssinia, and red-headed lovebird. After that, there was a middle group consisting of peach-headed lovebird birds. The last is the glasses group, which is a group consisting of black masked lovebird, Fischer's, Liliane (Nyasa ), and black cheeked lovebird.

The wild population of lovebird Fischer and masked lovebird is in urban areas in East Africa. These two species are also often crossed in captivity. Possibly, the offspring produced is a lovebird bird with brown-red feathers on the head and orange on the upper chest, or resembling exactly masked lovebird . In addition, wild lovebird populations are also covered in warm areas of the United States and also South Africa

In terms of intelligence, the lovebird bird is said to have a level of intelligence above other birds. Not only as a pet, but lovebird birds are also often profitable in terms of business. The factor that causes this is that when compared to other parrot species, lovebird birds are relatively easier to tame. In addition, the breeding of lovebird birds is also not as complex as other birds, such as stone magpies or cucak rowo. The care of lovebird birds is simple, things to note are only cheap and easy feed and daily care.

Based on each species in building nests, female lovebird birds do it in various ways. For a peach-faced lovebird, the female will fold nest building materials on the backs of her wings. While other types of lovebird, such as masked lovebird , carry material with the beak. After the lovebird bird has finished building the nest, the marriage will follow.

During these times, lovebird birds do it repeatedly, and females will produce 4-6 eggs 3-5 days later. Female lovebird birds will spend hours in the nest before the eggs hatch. If the first egg hatches, the other eggs will follow in the future. But sometimes, although without the role of males and nests, female lovebird birds can still produce their eggs.

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