
5 Things You Can't Do When Starting a Business

When going to start a business, many beginners begin with a passionate passion. Of course this is very normal, because everyone would want the business to run smoothly and achieve success.

However, it is not uncommon for people to start their business with a little insight and business experience, so that the spirit that initially bursts out eventually slowly extinguishes. Of course you hope this doesn't happen, right?

There are many challenges facing when the business starts. By conquering each of these challenges, you will realize that business and success are not just theories that you have read in various literature or you have heard at seminars.

Your experience tells us that business is about many things. Strategy, creativity, endurance, perseverance, new ideas, execution, never giving up, hard work, heart call, and much more.

5 Things You Can't Do When Starting a Business

Things You Can't Do When Starting a Business

Entrepreneurship is not an easy matter. Entrepreneurship is also not about theories and strategies. Therefore, for those of you who want to start a business, you should know that some of these things you should not do:

1. Expect to Succeed in Short Times

There is no overnight success. There are many business people who experience failure dozens of times until finally they find a pattern that leads them to achieve success. For them, falling in building a business is normal. It's not an easy thing to build a business empire from scratch to develop rapidly.

So, when going to start a business, reduce expectations for success in a short time. Optimism must be, but excessive expectations can kill your motivation. Make the right and reasonable calculation, and then execute every process as well as possible. Those who are diligent and patient with the process are the ones who will achieve the sweet results of their labors.

2. Resolve All Problems with Money

Money can indeed make anything easier. But solving all problems with money can actually get you stuck in a deeper hole. Calculate carefully because this money serves as capital in your business. Avoid using your money for improper purposes. Also avoid using money to justify any means.

3. Don't Listen to Your Customers

Successful business people are those who are oriented towards customer satisfaction. How to maintain customer satisfaction? One of them is by listening to their suggestions and complaints. Never close your business with suggestions and criticism from people who have used your products and services.

Even so, that doesn't mean you have to swallow every suggestion you receive. Try to filter it and discuss it with the team level. If the advice given is dominant, you might be able to use it as an improvement in your business.

4. Feeling the Smartest

When you feel you've become the smartest, there is a reluctance to learn new things. In fact, there are many new things that you can always learn to grow your business. Without learning, you will be easy to get caught up in the same mistakes repeatedly. Clear your glass, and embrace new knowledge and experiences that make you more mature and insightful in managing your business unit.

5. Giving Too Many Gaps for Investors in Power

When you start a business and find out that your business is glimpsed by investors, of course this is an incredible temptation. In fact, it is very unfortunate if you are too early to receive funding from investors, and let them fully control your business line.

Keep in mind, when you provide a portion of funding with investors, that means your business is no longer entirely yours. Try to consider carefully before deciding on funding with this investor.

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