

What is herbal medicine? Have you ever taken herbal medicine?

The word Jamu is definitely no stranger to the Indonesian people. From children to adults, you must have experienced herbs or just seen and heard people who sell herbs. Usually the seller of herbs that we often meet is a woman in traditional Javanese clothing carrying a large basket as a place to put her herbs. While walking he will shout "Jamuuu ... !!" as hard as possible so everyone will hear. This herb is known as "Herbal Medicine". But there are also those who open Jamu stalls or warungs at the side of the road.


Herbal medicine is a word used to mention the types of traditional medicine, where the ingredients come from specially formulated natural ingredients. Jamu itself is a term derived from the Javanese language, precisely on 16 AD. The word Jamu comes from two words, namely "Djampi" and "Oesodo" which have the meaning of medicine, prayer, and also aji-ajian or mantra.

Herbal medicine has been known by the people of Indonesia as traditional medicine long before the existence of modern medicines that we usually get from doctors or drug stores. Currently, herbal medicine is better known as the more modern, namely herbal or herbal. Jamu itself is a medicine made from natural ingredients, in the form of parts of plants such as rhizomes (roots), leaves, bark, and fruit. But there are also those who use animal body parts such as gall goat, bile snake, or crocodile limbs. Chicken egg yolks are also often used as a mixture in herbal medicine carriers.

Because of the bitter taste, people sometimes don't want to drink herbal medicine. But to overcome this, ordinary herbal sellers add honey to eliminate the bitter taste. In Indonesia, there is an area known as the biggest herbal seller area, namely Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java. To the extent that there was made a statue called Jamu Gendong. Now Jamu is not only produced by Jamunya traders directly, but also large factories produce herbs in practical forms, namely packaging or sachets and sold in various drug stores.

Sales of types and quantities of herbal medicine containers vary for each vendor. It depends on the knowledge they learn and the experience of the herbs that the seller is interested in and the orders that the customer asks for. Based on the information recorded there are 8 types of herbs that are commonly sold, namely, kencur rice, quail chillies, kudu laos, key ingredients, uyup-uyup / gepyokan, sour turmeric / turmeric acid, pahitan, and synom. But sometimes herbal sellers also provide herbal medicines, pills and capsules produced by a factory.

Drinking herbal medicine should also not be arbitrary according to the rules and diseases that we experience. Because if it is wrong, this will cause the poisoning reaction to even cause death. It is also recommended for those of us who have taken medicine the doctor does not drink herbs and vice versa.

From time to time, Jamu is known to have benefits that can nourish the body and cure certain types of diseases. No wonder the herbal medicine until now is still trusted by the people of Indonesia and introduced down and down from generation to generation. For people who believe more in the efficacy of traditional medicines and want to get health naturally consume jamu is the right thing. We must always preserve herbal medicine because it is one of Indonesia's products, moreover Herbal Medicine brings great benefits to human health. Jamu is also an Indonesian drink that has characteristics and as an identity belonging to the nation. So from that this original Indonesian product deserves to be preserved. Keep in mind that if you want to drink herbal medicine, you must make sure that you drink it from a place that is safe and reliable, especially if you want to drink herbal medicine, the legality of MUI and BPOM should be listed.

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