
20 Benefits of Dragon Fruit for Health (for Diet to Treat Acne)

20 Benefits of Dragon Fruit for Health (for Diet to Treat Acne)
The benefits of dragon fruit can overcome chronic diseases, improve intestinal health, and increase immunity thanks to the abundant and low-calorie nutrients. This fruit is also high in fiber and various vitamins and minerals including manganese and iron. More fully described the benefits of other dragon fruit below.

List of Dragon Fruit Benefits for Body Health

Dragon fruit consists of 5 types, but the popular ones are fleshy dragon fruit [red and red. In addition to refreshing, this one fruit has benefits that are very good for the body. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to consume it regularly. Well, here are the benefits of dragon fruit which is good for your body's health:

1. Lose weight
The benefits of the first dragon fruit are able to lose weight. Keep in mind that dragon fruit content is very high in protein, but you want fat and carbohydrates. Of course this fruit can be the right snack choice for those of you who are on a diet program.

2. Lower cholesterol
Dragon fruit contains B3 which is good for lowering cholesterol levels. Therefore, the benefits of dragon fruit will be felt by people with high cholesterol if consumed regularly.

Eating dragon fruit regularly can also prevent stroke and coronary heart disease due to cholesterol levels that are too high.

3. Overcoming diabetes
Not only useful for people with high cholesterol, the benefits of red dragon fruit can be felt by diabetics. The taste is sweet at all because of the glucose content, it will not adversely affect diabetics.

4. Increase stamina
When the seasons change or transition, it's a good idea to eat fruits. In this regard, the high antioxidant and vitamin content of red dragon fruit is actually able to increase our stamina so we don't get sick easily.

5. Relieves sore throats and canker sores
When you have a sore throat and canker sores you certainly feel bad eating and drinking. Pain in the mouth and throat also makes us prefer to hold back hunger rather than having to eat. Have you experienced it or often?

Well, then consume red dragon fruit!

The content of red dragon fruit which is rich in vitamin C is certainly very effective to cure and treat canker sores and sore throats. In addition, the soft texture will ease the work of the mouth and throat.

6. Relieves asthma
Asthma sufferers will certainly feel tortured when they relapse. Maybe you know there are lots of asthma treatments. Well, if you are an asthma sufferer and want good treatment, just consume dragon fruit regularly.

Vitamin B3, one of the ingredients of this dragon fruit is also proven to be able to relieve asthma. Therefore, this fruit is very good for consumption when relapsing or better if consumed regularly so that asthma does not recur.

7. Relieve coughing
Vitamin B3 which is in the content of red dragon fruit can also relieve stubborn coughing. The benefits of this red dragon fruit will be very useful, considering that coughing is a disease that is difficult to cure even after taking medicine.

If you are coughing and don't recover, then try to balance it by eating dragon fruit. Keep in mind, this dragon fruit helps relieve and prevent it, so you should still take cough medicine, huh!

8. Stabilize high blood pressure
Nutritional content in dragon fruit is also very good for people with high blood pressure. Vitamin B3 can play a role in stabilizing blood pressure if we regularly consume it.

9. Promotes digestion
Have digestive problems?

It is better to start to consider consuming dragon fruit regularly. The content of dragon fruit fiber is very high proven to be able to facilitate digestion. Therefore, consume dragon fruit regularly every day.

10. Strengthens the heart
The heart is one of the important organs, but many also experience heart disease. Actually, this deadly disease can be avoided early in various ways, namely eating healthy foods and exercising.

The content of the phytochemical captin in the dragon fruit plays a role in strengthening the heart. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to consume dragon fruit regularly from now on.

11. Prevent osteoporosis
One of the benefits of red dragon fruit that can be felt in the long term is preventing osteoporosis or bone loss. This is supported by the presence of organic calcium in the content of dragon fruit.

12. Prevent cancer
The other benefits of dragon fruit are preventing cancer because it contains very high antioxidants. This content will be able to prevent cell damage caused by free radicals.

Cancer prevention is certainly not only by consuming dragon fruit, but also needs to be balanced with a healthy lifestyle. You still have to pay attention to food intake and also balance it with exercise.

13. Prevent early aging
Apparently there is also the efficacy of dragon fruit for beauty, which slows premature aging. This, of course, will certainly be proven if you regularly consume dragon fruit. A high antioxidant content will help tighten the skin and regenerate damaged skin cells.

14. Prevent anemia
The nutritional content of iron-rich dragon fruit is good for increasing hemoglobin levels in anemia sufferers. This dragon fruit content also helps produce red blood cells, which then helps in the proper oxygenation of vital organs.

15. Helps hair care
Adding dragon fruit to your daily diet helps keep hair healthy and shiny. Large amounts of nutrients help reduce damage to the hair by chemicals present in hair dyes. It also helps improve the texture and restore the shine of your hair.

16. Healthy eyes
Dragon fruit is known to inhibit the growth of human cytochrome P450, a protein found in the liver. This protein is often associated with congenital glaucoma. Also, according to research published in the journal Food Chemistry, the content of beta-carotene in this fruit helps prevent macular degeneration and cataract formation by protecting the eyes from harmful free radicals.

17. Good for pregnancy
Dragon fruit is beneficial for pregnant women because it contains iron, B vitamins and folate. Studies show that iron helps prevent hemoglobin deficiency and also in preventing anemia. Vitamin B and folate help prevent birth defects and increase energy.

The mild laxative properties of dragon fruit also help soften feces and regulate bowel movements. In addition, the calcium content in it helps the development of fetal bones, so it is very helpful for healthy pregnancy. High levels of calcium and magnesium also help fight osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.

18. Improve brain intelligence
Dragon fruit contains vitamin B and is rich in vitamin C, both of which help keep cell membranes healthy. This vitamin activity can help prevent cognitive disorders and maintain brain function!

19. Treat acne
Acne is usually caused by oily skin which is marked in the early days of puberty, sometimes the appearance of pimples until you turn 30. Really annoying right?

Relax, now there is a natural solution that can be tried. You can use white flesh dragon fruit masks, because they contain lots of vitamin C.

How, puree ¼ dragon fruit using a fork. Then apply using a cotton ball to the surface of the pimpled facial skin to avoid spreading bacteria from the hand. If it's been 20 minutes, rinse it using warm water. Do this method twice every week for perfect, acne-free skin.

20. Other health benefits
Red dragon fruit contains a lot of vitamin C and has a high fiber content. This fruit is also a good source of potassium and phosphorus, as well as other minerals and vitamin B complex. Red dragon fruit is rich in protein, antioxidants (from betacyanins), lycopene, and carotene.

The benefits of dried red dragon fruit even have ten times thanks to the nutrition of fresh fruit. The benefits of dragon fruit include lightening the skin and protecting the skin from ultraviolet damage.

Nutrition in Dragon Fruit

The following are various contents of dragon fruit which are useful for healthy your body:

1. Amount of dragon fruit content

Dragon fruit is usually consumed in the form of fresh fruit as thirst remover. Dragon fruit content also consists of high water content, which is about 90% of the weight of the fruit.

It feels pretty sweet because it contains sugar content reaching 13-18 briks. Dragon fruit can also be served in the form of juice, fruit juice, sweets or jam or various forms of presentation according to taste.

In general, experts agree and acknowledge the content of dragon fruit is rich in potassium, ferum, protein, fiber, sodium and calcium which are good for health compared to other imported fruits.

According to AL Leong of Johncola Pitaya Food R & D, an organization that researches red dragon fruit, the honey cactus fruit is quite rich in various vitamins and minerals that help increase endurance and benefit metabolism in the human body.

Research shows that the benefits of red dragon fruit are very good for the circulatory system, it also has the effect of reducing emotional stress and neutralizing toxic in the blood. "Research also shows that this fruit can prevent colon cancer, in addition to preventing high cholesterol content in the blood and reducing fat levels in the body," he said.

Here's the amount of dragon fruit content that you can get:

  • Sugar content: 13-18 briks
  • Water: 90%
  • Carbohydrates: 11.5 gr
  • Acid: 0.139 gr
  • Protein: 0.53 gr
  • Fiber: 0.71 gr
  • Calcium: 134.5 mg
  • Phosphorus: 8.7 mg
  • Magnesium: 60.4 mg
  • Vitamin C: 9.4 mg

2. Nutritional content of dragon fruit

Overall, the following nutrients in each dragon fruit:

  • Protein (increases body metabolism and maintains heart health)
  • Fiber (prevents colon cancer, diabetes and diet)
  • Carotene (eye health, strengthen the brain and prevent the entry of disease)
  • Calcium (strengthens bones)
  • Iron (adds blood)
  • Vitamin B1 (prevents body fever)
  • Vitamin B2 (increase appetite)
  • Vitamin B3 (lowers cholesterol)
  • Vitamin C (increases skin smoothness and prevents zits).


Well, that's 20 benefits of dragon fruit to the content of dragon fruit vitamins for your body's health. Many too, huh?

Come on, consume dragon fruit to get all the benefits, Healthy Friends!

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