
Effective Ways to Overcome Kacer "Mbagong"

Is that mbagong? How do you deal with mbagong in kacer birds? Check out the full review in this article!

Kacer is one of the songbirds that is often included in the birdsong contest. The bird with this sweet voice often shows its distinctive style, which is ngobra. This style shows that kacer is ready to fight in the birdsong contest.

The opposite of ngobra is mbagong. Mbagong is a condition when your favorite kacer puffs up his body and makes a beautiful sound. This condition is of course detrimental to those of you who include the favorite kacer in the birdsong contest.

Well, before we overcome kacer mbagong, it would be nice to know the cause of kacer mbagong.

Effective Ways to Overcome Kacer "Mbagong"

Cause of Kacer Mbagong

There are various things causing the kacer bird to become mbagong. Among others are:

1. Kacer Bird is in an unhealthy state

If you are not fit or stressed, you can go, bro. To overcome this, provide nutritious feed. In addition, pay attention to the cleanliness of the cage. Kacer can be uncomfortable and become stressful if the cage is dirty. Diligently clean the cage, huh.

2. Frequency of Irregular Bathing

Not only humans need to take a bath. Your kacer klangenan bird also needs to be bathed regularly, lo. If you are not bathed regularly, you will feel uncomfortable and mange.

3. Change in the Light Pattern

Kacer turned out to be stressful too. Goblin birds can feel uncomfortable, stressed, then mongong if there are changes around it. These changes include the replacement of cages and tanks. The kacer bird is very sensitive, so he can feel the changes around him.

4. Giving Too Much Feed

Did you know that EF ( extra fooding ) or extra feeding for your klangenan is not good? This can make your hands free, you. So, adjust the feed to your glass needs.

Kacer is one of the songbirds that is often included in the birdsong contest. The bird with this sweet voice often shows its distinctive style, which is ngobra. This style shows that kacer is ready to fight in the birdsong contest.

Powerful Solution to Overcome the Mbagong or Ngebagong Kacer

Kacer mbagong is really not nice to see. Especially if the glass is not good when it is submitted to the bird feast contest. Wow, the defeat is in sight. Sad, isn't it? Well, to overcome kacer mbagong, please refer to the following review:

1. Ensure Your Kacer Health

If you find kacer mbagong accompanied by a decrease in health, such as diarrhea and intestinal worms, then immediately handle the source of the problem. Give bird-specific worm medicine if your glass is stuck plus diarrhea and release bubbles.

However, if the cause is stress, then pay attention to the cleanliness of the cage. Clean the kacer cage regularly. The part that you clean most often is the base. Kacer can mbagong when he is uncomfortable with the condition of the cage that is too dirty.

2. Regularly bathe Kacer

To find out if you need to take a bath or not, put the bird in the bath cage. If kacer is indeed the time to take a bath, then he will immediately take a shower. However, if you are not ready to take a shower, you will not want to take a shower even though you put it in a cage for hours.

3. Replace the cage and lightly neatly

If you intend to replace the cage and tank, make sure you replace it properly and neatly. Make sure the cage is new, similar to the old cage. In addition, the position of the new tank must be the same as the position of the old one.

4. Set the Feed Portion

Arrangement of the important portion of feed to be done for the sake of kacer which is no longer mbagong. If you will add a portion of food, then do it gradually. In addition, provide 2 to 3 fish caterpillars or bamboo caterpillars every day. Bamboo caterpillars are believed to be able to stop the mbagong habit in the glass.

Well, there are some effective ways to overcome kacer mbagong. Hopefully it can be useful, yes.

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