
Glance at the Exotic Bali Starling Bird

Bali Starling or in its original area on the island of Bali known as Curik Bali, is one of Indonesia's endemic exotic bird species. This bird has a body size that is not so large with body length from head to tail reaching 25 cm. Although this species was once found on the island of Lombok, now this rare bird can only be found on the island of Bali

This species was discovered by Dr. Baron Stressmann, an English bird expert, on March 24, 1911. He then gave the scientific name of the Bali Starling , namely Leucopsar Rothschildi . The name was taken from the name of a zoologist (zoologist) from England, Walter Rothschild. It was he who first described this bird species in 1912.

Glance at the Exotic Bali Starling Bird

The characteristics of Bali Starling birds are:

  1. Most of the hair on his body is dominated by a pure white that is attractive, except for the tail feathers and the ends of the wings that have black color.
  2. Bird Jalak Bali has dark brown eyes, and in the area around the eyelids are part hairy with dark blue color which is very typical.
  3. This endemic Balinese bird has several beautiful crested feathers, both in male and female birds. This crest will be clearly seen when the bird is singing.
  4. The bird's foot is bluish gray with 4 fingers (1 finger back and 3 forward).
  5. The next traits are in the part of the beak. Bali Starling has a pointed beak with a length of about 2 to 5 cm, with a distinctive shape. At the top of the beak there is a part that rises and flattens upright. The beak is blackish gray with a brownish tip.
  6. Bali Starling has a relatively small body size, no more than 25 cm long. Male and female birds have different body sizes, but the differences between the two are not significant so it is rather difficult to distinguish. However, in general the male has a larger body shape and has a longer crest than the female bird.
  7. The eggs are oval in bluish green color with an average size between 2-3 cm in diameter.

Bali Starling is one of the many exotic birds in Indonesia. No wonder this bird is often the target of many bird collectors or poachers. This is what causes the population of endemic birds is truly threatened with extinction. Plus, its habitat is disturbed by residential areas.

Fortunately, this serious situation has received attention from the government, namely by deciding on Bali Starling as a bird protected by law. According to the Minister of Agriculture's Provisions number 421 / KPTS / UM8 / 1970 dated August 26, 1970, and Government Decree number 7 of 1999 concerning preservation of plants and animals, Bali Starling is declared as an animal that is prohibited to be traded, except from captive breeding from the third generation ( not from natural sires) and have an official certificate.

Bali Starling is indeed a type of bird that is cheerful and very happy to sing, so it makes anyone fall in love with it. However, the attraction he has does not make us threaten his existence. Keep preserving the life of birds and nature where they live. And, if you want to own, buy through legal channels.

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