
How to Take Care of Kacer Birds for Beginners

For the first time, keep the kacer bird? The following tips for caring for him

For bird lovers, kacer birds may be familiar. Birds that have other names of poni are one of the most desirable species of birds because of their strong tweets and dashing posture. Besides that, the price of a well-maintained and good-quality kacer bird can reach millions of rupiah. For those of you who want to start caring for kacer birds, here's how to care for kacer birds :

Get to know the Character of the Kacer Bird

How to Take Care of Kacer Birds for Beginners

Before deciding to take care of kacer birds, you must first understand how the characteristics of this bird so that you can establish "chemistry" easily. Here are some characteristics of kacer birds:

1. Bird Kacer is Easy to Adapt

Kacer birds are a group of birds that are easily tame and adaptable to the environment.

2. Bird Kacer Includes Fighting Birds

Kacer is a type of bird that has a strong fighting spirit. This can be seen from his strong and sturdy posture.

3. Kacer Bird is easily angry

Behind its adaptable nature, it turns out that kacer birds carry innate traits, namely anger.

4. Easy Tame Kacer Bird

Kacer birds are easily tame birds. So if you are a beginner in the world of confinement, you do not need to worry about the difficulties when caring for this bird.

5. Bird Kacer Can Mbagong In Certain Conditions .

Kacer can also experience mbagong or mbedesi conditions . If this bird has been mongong or mbedesi, the price can drop dramatically in the range of hundreds of thousands. Some causes of kacer mbagong are too much food supplementation, high lust, or under stress.

In order for the condition of your favorite kacer bird to be prime and not easy, you can do the following steps:

1. Clean Cages Every Day

You should clean the kacer bird cage every day so that the cage condition is always clean. This is so that the kacer bird is not susceptible to disease due to a less clean cage.

2. Regularly bathe birds

In addition to cleaning the bird cage regularly, kacer birds must also be bathed every morning and evening. This needs to be done so that kacer birds are not susceptible to lice and disease.

3. Place the Bird in a Fresh and Oxygen-Rich Area

After the bird is bathed, you should aerate it in a shady and beautiful place. A place that is fresh and rich in oxygen is very good for the psychological condition of the bird so it is not easy to stress.

4. Give Nutritious and Preferred Foods by Kacer Birds

Nutritious food is one of the important things that affects the health and quality of Kacer birds. Some types of food are good for kacer birds, among others: voer as the main food, crickets and kroto as additional food.

5 Bird Drying

Kacer can also experience mbagong or mbedesi conditions . If this bird has been mongong or mbedesi, the price can drop dramatically in the range of hundreds of thousands. Some causes of kacer mbagong are too much food supplementation, high lust, or under stress.

Don't forget to hang the birds in the morning. Do it from 7 to 9 in the morning so that birds get vitamin D from sun exposure which is very good for their health and endurance. When drying, try not to meet birds with other kacer birds.

6. Condition the Closed Bird Cage

After the kacer bird is bathed, fed and dried, it's time for the kacer bird to be put back into a closed cage. This makes it easy for you to train the bird to become a champion.

7. Train the Kacer to become a Master

There is no victory without the struggle process. Likewise when you want your kacer bird to be a champion, you have to train him to listen to the master's voice every day. Some choices of sound masters available in mp3 format include Beard Cucak, Parakeet, Ontong Bribe, and Tarung Church.

Similarly, a review of how to treat kacer birds for beginners. Congratulations on making your kacer bird as the champion kacer.

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