
How to Take Care of New Birds so that they are at home

Not only humans need an adaptation process, birds also need to adjust to their new 'home'. If you have just purchased and moved to the home of a new owner, birds often stop singing. To overcome this, it takes a way to treat the right new birds, such as the following:

How to Take Care of New Birds so that they are at home

1. Understand the treatment by the previous owner

Before deciding to bring home a new bird, it's good that chirping mania asks the old owner's treatment to the bird. Treatment includes how the old owner interacts with the bird, the schedule, and the type of food and drink that the old owner gives. In addition, questions about the habits of birds also need to be asked so that the chirping of mania is getting to know his new pet.

When new owners treat birds in the same way as old owners, birds will feel more comfortable. Birds don't need to adjust to new habits, only places and owners have just. Birds will also believe in new owners faster.

2. No need to rush to replace the cage

When buying birds, it's only natural that mania wants to use a new cage. The intention is good, namely to provide a place to stay as comfortable as possible for pets. However, new birds need time to adjust to their new environment. Cages and food containers that are commonly used make them feel more comfortable during the adjustment process.

The old cage can continue to be used as long as it is always cleaned at least once a week. After one month, when the bird is familiar with the owner and new environment, the new old cage can be replaced with a new one.

3. Keep the environment calm

Bird cages that have just been moved from the old place should be hung in a fairly quiet place. The noise makes birds afraid and nervous in their new environment. Instead of hanging it on the porch of a house that people often pass by, it's good to have a cage hanging behind the house. Keeping birds in a quiet environment will help the process adapt.

Another way is to cover the cage using a cloth. Good quality and affordable valuable kerodong fabric is made using cotton or rayon. Both types of material easily absorb water, and can adjust the temperature inside the cage with the outside temperature.

Kerodong can protect birds from outside interference, such as poisonous insects, erratic weather, and crowds that can cause stressed birds. For new birds, the use of kerodong helps birds quickly forget their old environment.

4. Pamper birds with food

When treating new birds, you can give them nutritious food. Nutrients that must be present in bird food include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, amino acids, and vitamins. Birds need balanced nutrition to be stronger and avoid stress.

When new owners treat birds in the same way as old owners, birds will feel more comfortable. Birds don't need to adjust to new habits, only places and owners have just. Birds will also believe in new owners faster.

When it arrives at the home of the new owner, birds may be given excessive food. The goal is to spoil birds. A kind of "welcome" greeting that aims to make birds feel faster in a new place. After a few days the birds lived in the new owner's house, feeding was changed to normal and routine as it should.

5. Signs that new birds are comfortable in the new environment

To find out when the bird is comfortable, mania needs to observe the movements of the bird. Birds who are already at home in a new environment will usually sing as soon as they see the new owner. When the owner reaches out, the bird will approach toward his hand. Birds will show themselves by doing anything to attract the attention of their new owners.

Have you observed whether your new bird is at home or not?

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