
Javanese Garangan: Characteristics, Descriptions and Classifications

Javanese Garangan (Small asian mongoose) is a mammal from the Order of Carnivora which is commonly found in South and Southeast Asia. This species is widely introduced in various places such as in Japan, Europe, South America, and the Pacific Islands to control the population of snakes and rodents. This animal has the potential to bring rabies so it is not recommended for consumption.

Characteristic features

Body shape like a mongoose with small size; pointed head, long tail, and thick hair except for the lower leg with a reddish to brownish color. The snout is pointed, the ears are relatively large, and the legs are short. The base of the tail is thick and tapered at the end.

Habitat and Behavior
Javanese garangan can be found in forests, bushes, rice fields, ponds and gardens. Scratch foods vary greatly from small vertebrates such as frogs, lizards, snakes, birds, and mice to snails, crabs, spiders, and insects. These animals include diurnal, active during the day and tend to be solitary as adults.


  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Mammals
  • Order: Carnivores
  • Family: Herpestidae
  • Genus: Herpestes
  • Species: Herpestes javanicus

Javanese Garangan: Characteristics, Descriptions and Classifications

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