
Matching the Mother of Bali Starling

One important step in capturing Bali Starling birds is matchmaking. We must be careful to see whether the brood couple is really matched, not just in pairs. Loh, aren't the birds that are paired with a partner? In bird breeding, they are not always the same.

Then how to match it, the signs if the pair of broods are paired, the care of the eggs, and the puppies? Relax, we will provide the information for you. Let's see the following article.

Matching the Mother of Bali Starling

Setting up the Parent

If you do not want to buy a pair of broodies that have been made or are truly matched, you can do the pairing process yourself against prospective male and female Bali Starling breeds. The first thing to do is to make sure the two prospective breeds are of sufficient age, that is, with an ideal age of more than 1 year.

After that, insert the male and female broodstock in a captive cage with a minimum size of 2.5 meters long, 90 cm wide to 3.5 m and 2.7-3.5 meters high. Bird Jalak Bali is known like nests are located rather high.

Matching Signs

Next, let the two sires adapt to their new environment and get to know their potential partners more closely. Prospective breeders who have been paired and enter the lust phase will be marked by the behavior of the Bali Starling that starts babbling (singing) throughout the day. From morning to evening, both the male and the female will continue to sing.

After the appearance of these behavioral signs will usually be immediately followed by the marriage process. Therefore, you must first prepare a nest box that is placed in a position at the top of the cage. Even though you put your nest material in a nest box, some nest material still needs to be spread on the cage floor to stimulate the lust of both birds.

Laying and Drying

About 1 to 2 weeks after mating, the two broods will carry nest material on the floor of the cage, and bring it to the nest box. The female parent will lay 2 to 3 eggs, then incubate the eggs for 14 days until they hatch.

After hatching, the chicks are left in the care of the two parents until they are 6-7 days old. Another case if the sires have the character can not care for their children or like throwing pajamas. If that happens, harvesting time can be accelerated at the age of 2 days. This trait can only be known if the female parent in the reproduction process is often seen behaving like that.

Harvest the tillers

Once harvested, the puppies are immediately put into a special incubator box. The consequence of this method of nursery care is that you have to overfeed on a regular basis. The point is, when the puppies have started to open their beak wide and scream, it means it's time to be fed.

Using the weaning method, besides being able to improve the quality of saplings, it can also increase the productivity of the broodstock. Because, as soon as the puppies are harvested, the brood pair will immediately carry out their reproductive duties again, namely mating, laying eggs, incubating, and nurturing the newly hatched puppies.

Some Bali Starling breeders sometimes rest the female parent first before starting the matchmaking process and returning to reproduce. During the rest period, the breeders must be treated well, still given quality food, carried out drying, and given the opportunity to take a bath.

So little information about how to match the Bali Starling breed that we can share, hopefully this article is useful for those of you who are pairing Bali Starlings . Good luck.

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