
Secrets of Birds Champion Contest

As one of the birdsong lovers, you will certainly feel jealous when your friends' birds become champions at the race. Compared to the birds you have, the performance of the opposing bird does stand out and appear full of charm. No wonder why the jury gave him the title of champion.

The champions of the race, of course, have special treatment and treatment methods. They have been prepared in advance to become champions.Because of this careful preparation, their performance in the race did not disappoint.

Many think that if these champions have special secrets behind their care. Sometimes, there are also those who think that the secret of the victory of the bushel hero is influenced by mystical things.

Then, what exactly are the secrets of the race champions? Check out the following description.

Secrets of Birds Champion Contest

Bird Health Conditions

The health condition of birds can be divided into two, namely physical health and mental health. Physical health can be seen through the liveliness and agility of birds. Healthy birds will usually sing more often and be very energetic by flying and jumping around the cage.

Mental health usually includes the psychological condition of the bird.Are birds experiencing stress or saturation. Poor mental conditions and not handled properly can affect the health condition of birds chirping.

Nutritious Feed

To maintain health conditions, of course chirping birds need a nutritious feed intake. The food in question must fulfill sufficient nutrition and consist of various vitamins and minerals needed by the body. The feed given must also be regular and according to the type of birds chirping.

Food variations are needed to increase tweet quality and performance during the race. Don't forget, chirping birds also need additional food supplements. Always pay attention to the nutrient content in the feed Given. 

Practice Intensively

The main secret of these champion birds lies in flying hours and intensive training time. Chirping birds prepared to become champions have usually been trained for a long time. Besides training intensively, these champions also have high flight hours.

Therefore, if the bird you have just competed a few times and has not become a champion, don't be disappointed. Because, to be a champion, a bird needs not a little time to practice and emerge victorious.

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