
Tips and Ways to Raising Chirping of Bali Starling Birds

Who doesn't want his favorite bird to have a sweet and gacor voice ? Every bird hobbyist would want it, no exception for caretakers of Bali Starling birds . However, to have a bird with a sweet voice is not easy. You have to pasture, which is to train the bird to be able to sing with melodious and gacor.

For pastry, you should choose Bali Starling, which is around 2.5 months old or can already eat voer. At that age, birds can focus more on the sound of their masters than birds that are still overlooked.

In general, pastoring can be done in two ways. The first is pastry using the help of master birds (birds that have gacor). The second is doing pastry using bird sounds from mp3 audio.

Tips and Ways to Raising Chirping of Bali Starling Birds

Mastication with Masteran Birds

Training the Bali Starling to make sweet singing using the master bird is indeed more effective. This method can be more easily accepted by birds. Here are tips on using Bali Starling memaster master birds:

  1. Choose the master bird that is already gacor or diligently sounds. In addition, choose a master who has a different tweet from most Bali Starlings , so that the sound you get later can sound more unique.
  2. Pemasteran is done in the morning, evening, and evening. The method is to hang a bird cage that will be trained in close proximity to the master bird cage.
  3. To add variations in sound, premaster should be done with several different birds alternately. For example, every 1-2 weeks, use a different bird.
  4. In order for Bali Starling birds to focus more on the master's voice, you should cover the cage with a kerodong (bird cage cover cloth).

To save costs, you can get a master bird with a barter or exchange system.

Milling using Audio Recording

Pemasteran using masteran birds does not cost a lot, especially with daily maintenance. The alternative, is to use the master's voice that has been recorded. In addition to easily getting voice recording, you can also get a variety of bird sounds. It's just that, pasting using audio mp3 recordings has its own weaknesses. For example, if the audio quality is not good, the sound will be ignored by starlings.

For this reason, pay attention to some special requirements so that the sound of the recording can be well received by birds, namely:

  1. The audio quality must be clear, not mixed with other sounds that can hinder the pastry process.
  2. The audio volume that is played should not be too loud, because it becomes unacceptable for birds because it is too noisy.
  3. Master's voice playback from audio should be done in a closed room or room.

How to make Bali Starling using audio:

  1. Pemasteran is done by using an audio player device such as a cellphone or mp3 player that is connected to a loudspeaker.
  2. Perform pastry in a room or room with a cage covered in a crutch. The position of the cage can be hung or placed on the floor.
  3. Turn the master's voice in a moderate volume, but still clearly heard. If your device has an equalizer , adjust it to the flat position so that the sound that comes out does not change.
  4. Perform pastry in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  5. Prepare five master votes to be played. However, limit it to playing only one type of sound for several days. Within 1 month, you can use a maximum of 5 different types of sounds.

Thus tips and how to do pastry on Bali Starling using master birds and audio recordings. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. Choose what really suits you. May be useful.

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