
Tips for Caring for Rowo Cucak Mabung Birds

Birds ? Yes, cucakrawa is one of the birds that is often included in bird chirping contests. Even though the cucakrawa bird business sounds promising, don't be happy first. You must know one problem that often occurs in cucakrawa, which is mabung.

What is Mabung?

Cucak Rowo

Mabung is actually one condition when your cucakrawa klangenan feathers fall out. Do not worry. Mabung is actually not a disease or a thing that endangers the life of cucakrawa, how come. However, this is actually the process of changing old feathers with new feathers.

Also read : Tips for Success in Matching Rowo's Cucak.

Even so, you should not underestimate the period of saving, huh. The cucakrawa bird that is in the time of moult will shed its feathers while losing protein from its body. Lo, how come?

Yes, inside the cucakrawa feathers that fall out during the moult, there are protein substances which are actually very much needed by Cucakrawa. If not treated properly, the cucakrawa birds who are in a time of mourning can get sick, you.

How to Take Care of Mabung

If your cucakrawa klangenan is in a time of mourning (abortion), then you must take care of him so he stays healthy. What are some ways that can be used to treat cucakrawa mabung? Here is the review:

1. Give Enough Nutrition

Swallowing moult is actually releasing feathers and fur casings which actually contain protein, you. So, meet the protein needs of your cucakrawa klangenan bird with high protein bird feed.

In addition, cucakrawa mabung need great energy to grow new feathers. So, give supplements to the food, yes. In addition, you can also give him papaya.

Papaya fruit is believed to be able to smooth the digestive system and metabolism of Cucakrawa's body. This fruit is also rich in vitamin C which can strengthen cucakrawa's endurance.

Also read : Tips for Choosing the Right Ropel-Quality Rowo Cucak.

2. Expand Natural Food

During the moult, you should provide natural feed, such as crickets, kroto, and caterpillars. This kind of natural feed can make cucakrawa avoid diseases that accompany it during the moult.

3. Take a shower once a week

During the mabung, cucakrawa will shed his fur. So, he doesn't need to take a shower too often, huh. Bathing too often can actually make sickness fun. Besides that, cucakrawa mabung birds are usually lazy to take a bath.

To overcome this, bathe your beloved grandson once a week. In addition, drying the cucakrawa bird saves 30 minutes per day if it experiences extreme moult or loss.

Also read : 5 Rowo Cucak Types that Bird Lovers Must Know.

In bathing cucakrawa mabung, there are rules. Do not bathe the cucakrawa mabung that has not seen the needle feathers (new feathers). Bathing the corks of mabung which has not yet come out of the needle hair makes the old hair difficult to fall out.

Are you familiar with the Cucakrawa bird? Yes, cucakrawa is one of the birds that is often included in bird chirping contests. Even though the cucakrawa bird business sounds promising, don't be happy first. You must know one problem that often occurs in cucakrawa, which is mabung.

In addition, you also should not hang the cucakrawa mabung which has not yet grown the needle feathers. If you hang it when the moult process is still going on and the new hair is not yet visible at all, then the cucakrawa skin will be tough so that the old fur cannot fall out.

4. Separate Cucakrawa Mabung with Normal Cucakrawa

The fun of moult is easily stressed, you. Cucakrawa mabung requires a calm atmosphere so that he is not stressed. If the moult is visible, immediately separate the cucakrawa cage. Place the cage in a place that tends to be quiet and calm. You can also attach a veil to the cage.

Also read : 4 Strategy to Prepare a Quality Rowo Cucak Champion.

5. Mabung Period = Maturity Period

If you want to do pastry, the time to save is the right time. Do pastry when new feathers start to appear. During these times, the cucakrawa birds tend to be more silent and listen.

In this way, the cucakrawa will calm down and help you to get a good-sounding cucakrawa.

Well, there are 5 ways to treat cucakrawa birds that are saved. Hopefully it can be useful for you bird lovers, huh.

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