
Two Months Curbing Bali Starlings Instantly Succeeds

Mr. Suraji, a Jalak Bali bird breeder from Sidoarjo will share his experience in starting a Bali Starling breeding business . He started a breeding business in September 2013, and was able to reap the results in just two months. By capitalizing on 3 pairs of Bali Starling breeders , he can produce 15 puppies that are of very good value.

Then what is the secret so that you are quick to harvest and reap the rewards? Come on, see the experiences and tips from Mr. Suraji below.

Two Months Curbing Bali Starlings Instantly Succeeds

1. Build a Cage

Mr. Suraji started a breeding business by building three cages in the area around his house in the Cemandi area, Sedati District, Sidoarjo, East Java. Each cage plot is 2.5 meters wide, 90 cm wide and 2.7 meters high. The cage is made with a shape extending to the back. So, what can be seen from the front is the width of the cage measuring 90 cm, the cage plots are arranged in a row in a row.

The back wall, left side and right side of the cage are made of bricks without cementing so that it feels cool for the sires of the Bali Starling birds in them. For the front wall is made using small diameter wire. The top of the cage is also covered with wire mesh, but some are covered by using asbestos as a protective bird during rain or hot weather.

On the floor, you can still leave it grounded, no need to cement. The goal is that bird droppings can be quickly absorbed by the soil, and can be immediately decomposed by microorganisms. Thus, the floor of the cage becomes relatively more stable in temperature and cleanliness.

2. Inside of the Enclosure

To complement the inside of the enclosure, complete it with a nest box, perch, feed container and drinking water container. In addition, it is also necessary to provide a bird bath in a captive cage. Because the Bali starling sires are very happy to take a bath. But do not forget that the condition of the water in the bath is always guaranteed cleanliness.

Every time it is used and looks dirty, the water must be replaced with a new one. Because if the bathtub water is dirty, the Bali Starling breeders are also reluctant to touch it.

3. Breeding

Usually the female Bali Starling parent will lay as many as three or four eggs. Once hatched, the mother will be left to care for her children for six days. Next, on the 7th day, you can immediately harvest it. The puppies are lifted along with the nest box, then taken care of by being put in the incubator box, and taken care of until they can eat on their own.

As soon as the Bali Starling puppies are weaned or removed from their nest, the Bali starlings will mate again, and the female parent will lay eggs a few days later.

4. Proper Feeding

According to Mr Suraji, one of the keys to the success of Bali Starling breeding birds is nutritious and balanced feeding, both for the mother and weaned couples. The composition of broodstock feeds and chicks is the same, only the portions given are different, such as pellets or voers , bananas, and crickets.

Voer or pellets for broodstock are given in ad libitum , or are always available. Once you see voer in the food container it's almost gone, it must be refilled immediately. Bananas for broodstock couples are given three times a day, namely morning, afternoon and evening, each with only one fruit.

While animal feed, the portion of crickets for each brood is given as many as 20 per day. So each pair needs 40 crickets. If the mother has a puppy, or when the tillers are 1 to 6 days old, the portion of the cricket must be increased to 30 for each parent per day.

Now Mr. Suraji has proven himself, that Bali Starling breeding is not as difficult as many people think. Taking care of the captive permit is not difficult, considering that Bali Starling is one of the protected species of birds. What about you, are you interested in starting? I hope this helps.

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