
Recognize Your Rowo Cucak Sound Quality Level Before Judging by Race Judges

SMPN1Bungkal - Not all Cucak Rowo has good sound quality. The sound quality of chirping birds is usually influenced by many factors, ranging from quality to maintenance techniques. You need to recognize Cucak Rowo's sound quality before being included in the race. This will help you choose Cucak rowo who will be contested and develop a treatment strategy.

Although the assessment of the sound quality of birds depends on the opinion of the jury, there is general agreement regarding the level of sound quality. The following will discuss the level of sound quality of Cucak Rowo that you need to recognize.

1. Banging sound

The term gedongan or ngingklung comes from the word ngelingkung or environment. The sound of gedongan means that the sound of the cucak rowo resembles that of a common bird you often hear. The gedongan sound is the lowest level of sound quality because the voice of Cucak Rowo has lost its original / pure / pure sound.

Cucak rowo with gedongan sound level mimics the sound of other types of birds or sounds from the surrounding environment. The tweet is rarely heard, slow, and not clear. This is often caused by poor maintenance from the owner.

2. Ankle sound

The sound quality of the ankle is better than the sling sound . Birds still have a distinctive sound but are less thick, floating, and slow tempered. The ankle sound quality is often experienced by Cucak Rowo, the male Kalimantan with erroneous treatment.

3. Long ankle sound

Cucak rowo which has an ankle sound , at least it can be upgraded to have a long ankle sound level . The characteristic of long ankle sound quality or ankle twitching is to only highlight long tweaking variations.

Cucak rowo with long ankle sounds diligently singing with long variations, but rarely has a fast rhythm. Male rowo cucak from Medan, Riau, and Jambi who experienced treatment errors often had this sound quality.

4. Sound semi roppel / semi rovel

Cucak rowo with semi roppel sound quality already has good sound speed. Even so, the distance / gap between the variations of the chirping that sounds is still lacking. Cucak rowo Aceh and Jambi with good care can achieve this sound quality.

5. Double voice

Double slah can be considered a new term and is still less popular among bird lovers. The double sound quality is characterized by the sound speed of chirping which is quite good. Even so, there is still a gap between the variations of the chirping that allows the other Rowo voice to follow him.

Male rowo cucak from Lampung, Jambi, and Riau generally has a sound with a double level of quality . The female Medan rowo cucak also does not have the slightest sound quality but with a slower tempo.

6. Sounds roppel / rovel

Rossel's voice is the best level of Cucak Rowo's sound quality. Rossel's voice has a long, rolling sound. The chirp doesn't seem to have a distance so there is no gap between the variations and the rhythms. Cucak Rowo roppel will sound big and loud.

Female Cucak rowo from Medan and male cucak rowo from Lampung have a lot of this sound quality. The type of female generally sounds roppel better than the male. The main cause is the male Cucak rowo still want to sing the sounds of other birds so that the chirping sounds less pure.

On the contrary, Cucak Rowo, a female voice roppel, will only sing her pure voice. The main disadvantage of the female Cucak Rowo is that it is less diligent than the male Cucak Rowo.

From the discussion above, you can assess the sound quality of Cucak Rowo that you have. In addition, you will find out that Cucak Rowo has the sound quality he expected. Remember! The wrong treatment of Cucak Rowo will reduce the sound quality.

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