
8 Alternative Foods for Bali Starlings

In its natural habitat, every Bali starling searches for food and provides for the nutritional needs of various kinds of food available. Unlike birds that are in our care, they are only given artificial feed, fruit, or insects that are common or easily found on the market, such as crickets or hongkong caterpillars. That is why birds that are kept in cages tend to experience problems with lack of nutrients, especially calcium and vitamins.

Therefore supplementary feeding is important. Here are 8 additional feed alternatives that you can give to your beloved Bali starlings , including:

Alternative Foods for Bali Starlings

1. Centipede

Centipedes or centipedes are known as one of the favorite foods of birds in the wild. Some owners and breeders began to dare to give centipedes as extra food. This is because centipede feed is known to be able to increase the performance of chirping birds. However, the portion of the gift must also be adjusted to the character of the bird.

In the early days, do not overdo it. If the portion provided is correct, in the sense that Bali starlings experience increased performance and there are no problems, this means that this can be used as a benchmark for the bird.

2. Grasshopper

Grasshoppers, especially green grasshoppers, are favorite insects for almost all birds chirping, such as Bali starlings, buffalo starlings, starch nias, ciblek, and so on. However, we recommend that the selected feed is a green grasshopper type because other color grasshoppers sometimes contain poisons, such as black-spotted grasshoppers, or blackish-colored ones.

3. Tadpole

Tadpole is a frog sapling found in puddles or ponds. The shape is like a small fish with a large head shape. Giving tadpole as bird feed is believed to provide calm, especially in birds that are too wild or giras.

4. German caterpillar

Buffalo worm , also known as German caterpillar, is a type of caterpillar that has a shape similar to the hongkong caterpillar ( meal worm ). This caterpillar has a high protein content, and a lower fat content compared to the Hong Kong caterpillar. Buffalo worms can be an alternative food substitute for meal worms .

5. Small Spiderl

This type of small spider insect is one of the delicious snacks for chirping birds. In a study, it was mentioned that giving spiders to birds by sires could change the character, mentality, and singing ability when the birds grow up. This is because spiders contain a lot of taurine, an amino acid that is often found in milk or energy drinks.

6. Cockroaches

Lipas, also known as ground roaches or Dubia roaches , can be one of the alternative extras if you have trouble getting crickets at a kiosk or bird feed shop.

Ordinary cockroaches are bred to serve as fish and reptile feed, or also used as bait for fishing. Cockroaches This type is very different from home cockroaches or gutter cockroaches that we often encounter. Home cockroaches or sewer cockroaches have a pungent odor, and are not very well eaten by pet birds.

7. Earthworms

Earthworms have become one of the extra foods that are good for pet birds, as well as captive birds.

8. Bamboo Caterpillar

EF is often used by bird enthusiasts as live food or as fish bait for those who like fishing. This white caterpillar can also be found in the folds of banana leaves known as banana caterpillars. This caterpillar is known to reduce over lust in birds.

Those are some examples of alternative extras that you can give to your beloved Bali starlings . By providing a variety of additional feeds, hopefully your beloved bird can be maintained with good nutritional intake, and not get bored with always the same feed. May be useful.

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