
Jalak Suren Food to be Diligent in Twitter

SMPN1Bungkal - Starling Suren is one of the preferred variants of starlings because it has sweet singing. Male and female suren starlings, both have sweet singing. To the extent that, bird keepers are confused to determine whether to maintain male or female suren starlings.

Actually, both male and female starlings will be diligent in singing with proper care and practice. The treatment includes the selection of cages and cleanliness. In addition, starch suren food must also be considered so that the chirping is more sweet.

Nutritious foods will make starlings healthier and more active. Active starling suren has the potential to be trained to sing beautifully. Well, for those of you who want to have suren starlings that are diligent in singing. The following are starch suren foods that you need to pay attention to.

Jalak Suren Food to be Diligent in Twitter

Choose kepok bananas for your starlings

Give starlings suren fruits such as bananas or papaya so that the nutrition is fulfilled. Choose fresh fruit so that you are more eager to eat. Fruits that are still fresh and not soft make it easy for starlings to peck.

One type of fruit that starlings prefer is kepok banana. Bananas are known to contain calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates, folic acid, iron, and phosphorus that are beneficial to the body.

With the carbohydrate content in kepok bananas, the body weight of starlings suren will increase. In addition, the phosphorus and calcium content in bananas strengthens the bones and beak. Vitamin A will sharpen bird's vision. In addition, the banana has the ability to smoothen digestion.

There are two types of kepok bananas that can be chosen, namely yellow and white kepok bananas. White kepok bananas are smaller in size and the texture is not as thick as a yellow kepok banana, but white kepok bananas do not concern the beak when eaten.

Choose kepok bananas that are ripe on the tree. Kepok banana which has a bitrate, less nutritional content. Just give one kepok banana per day. Also give other fresh fruit such as papaya or apple as a distraction so that starlings are not bored.

Give fresh crickets or kroto

In addition to fruit, natural foods suren starlings are crickets. Crickets are a source of protein for starlings. Protein is useful as a source of stamina to be diligent in singing. Give 5 crickets every morning and evening so that their protein needs are met. Don't forget to throw sharp cricket feet to facilitate bird digestion.

Starlings usually live in the wild so they can eat insects to their heart's content. When making it a pet, try to make sure the food is fulfilled like when he is in the wild.

In addition to crickets, you can also give the eggs of the ants or kroto to spur their chirps. Kroto also has a high protein content with low fat content, so it doesn't cause starlings to overweight.

In addition to fresh kroto, suren starlings can be loud and loud. However, just give kroto enough to eat one tablespoon per day. Kroto which remains for a long time can cause the cage to smell.

In addition to the two natural foods above, you can add voer as a starch suren food . Good Voer has a protein content of 12-18 percent. Voer has a fairly complete nutritional content, namely protein, various vitamins, and minerals. All these nutrients are needed by starlings suren.

You should not give voer with a brand that changes because the possibility of different levels of protein. This can cause suren starlings to fall out, change color, or fade.

By providing healthy food, suren suren starlings will develop well and have a smart mind. Smart starling suren will catch the sounds that are taught to him so diligently singing. Happy to keep starlings suren.

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