
Carefully Choosing Voer For Pet Lovers Rowo

Voer is a must-feed for the survival of pet birds including Rowo Cucak . Voer itself is processed food made by humans so that its nutritional content has been calculated, such as vitamins, minerals, and protein. For bird owners, choosing voer as a feed includes practical and efficient. Especially for those who have high work mobility and are rarely at home.

Even so, the type of voer must be chosen based on the character and nutritional needs of the pet. Do not let one choose the composition of voer because it can adversely affect the condition of the bird.

The composition of proteins, fats, and other nutrients is very different from one brand to another sold in the market. Because of this, it is strongly recommended to adjust the provision of voer to the latest conditions of pet birds .

Carefully Choosing Voer For Pet Lovers Rowo

Well, so that Rowo Cucak can grow healthy and give out sweet chirps, voer given should meet the following criteria:

1. Carbohydrate content

Carbohydrates are the main energy source needed by Rowo Cucak . Moreover, these birds are classified as chirping birds so that the right amount of energy can help them sing well. Bird carbohydrate needs a maximum of 2 percent of body weight. Calculate precisely so you can buy voers with the appropriate carbohydrate content.

2. Protein content

For Rowo Cucak , it is recommended to give a voer that has a protein content between 12-18%. Lack of protein can make birds look thin, stunted, moody, and reluctant to sing. When birds experience these conditions, immediately replace the voer you are using now with another voer brand with a higher protein content.

To support bird recovery, also provide additional feed with high protein content such as crickets and earthworms. However, also pay attention to the boundaries. Protein content should not be too excessive because it can cause over lust.

3. Fat content

Proper fat intake in voer will also affect the growth of birds. Fat is useful as an energy source, regulating body temperature, and as a carrier of vitamins A, D, E, and K. However, if the fat content is too much, birds can become fat. In addition, too high fat intake can also make bird droppings runny. Over time, this will have an impact on his physical health. Conversely, if the fat content is too little, the bird's feet become quickly scaly.

Of course, you want to have a proportional body of a bird that has healthy agile and digestive activities. Therefore, choose voer with a balanced fat content. Also balance giving voer by giving fresh fruits.

4. Vitamins and Minerals

Like humans, birds also need important vitamins and minerals in their feed. Vitamins that need to be in feed include vitamins A, D3, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, and K3. While the mineral requirements that must be present are calcium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, copper, magnesium, and potassium.

Do not let the vitamin and mineral content in the feed decrease. This will cause Cucak Rowo susceptible to bone disease, swollen heels, and even paralysis. A greater risk is experienced by young birds, with stature that looks pale and weak.

5. Prices and Brands

Although many voer brands are on the market, you don't need to be confused about choosing this type of processed feed . An expensive brand of feed does not always guarantee good quality. It is better to buy relatively inexpensive feed with sufficient nutrient content. To find out the nutritional content, make sure that the feed information contains the womb information.

Besides that, don't choose voer that is packaged carelessly. Make sure the processed feed packaging looks strong and does not leak so that the quality of feed is maintained.

Hopefully this information is useful and congratulations on caring for Rowo's Cucak .

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