
Make your Rowo Cucak Pet Comfortable and Stress Free

Rowo Cucak is one of the pet birds favored by various groups because of its sweet voice. However, the one who can have it is the middle class and above because the price of this bird is quite high. Rowo Cucak has a distinctive chirping sound and can delight those who listen. What's more, if it is proven gacor and its chirps are long and continuous (ropel). Such advantages can bring benefits until your pet wins in a Twitter contest.

However, just like other birds, Rowo Cucak is also vulnerable to stress attacks. The following will be explained the triggers of stress as well as the right way to care so that these golden voiced birds still sing sweetly.

Make your Rowo Cucak Pet Comfortable and Stress Free

Trigger of Rowo's Stress Cucak

Many factors can make your Rowo Cucak experience stress. Some things that trigger stress include:

  1. Birds that move cages, are taken on long trips, or have just been caught from nature can experience stress.
  2. Environmental factors during maintenance also affect the stress level of Rowak Cucak. For example, around the cage is too noisy because of the heavy traffic flow.
  3. Birds sometimes feel threatened by security, especially if there are other animals that often disturb them.
  4. The cage is too dirty and rarely cleaned.
  5. The size of the cage is too small so the bird is not free to move
  6. Changes in the type and taste of food consumed.

Get to know the symptoms

Stress should not be underestimated. If not handled properly, stress in birds will be fatal. Well, before taking steps to handle stress, you need to recognize the signs first.

Stress is initially marked by changes in bird behavior. Those who are usually diligent in singing, begin to turn silent. His appetite decreases even though at first he wasted the voer that was given.

Furthermore, if a normally benign bird changes to become more aggressive and often bites, he may experience stes. His movements are increasingly acting, such as going up and down from the perch to the base of the cage repeatedly. The most noticeable sign that he has been stressed is that the Cucok Rowo beak becomes crooked and begins to pull off his own feathers.

If it continues, female birds can experience permanent sterility. Even prolonged stress can cause sudden bird death.

How to handle

When your Rowo Cucak has already experienced stress, do the right handling. You can try the following steps so that your Rowo Cucak is free from stress.

  1. Quarantine is the best way to restore Rowo Cucak's condition . The quarantine process not only keeps it away from similar birds, but must be kept away from other fighting birds, even other animals that are considered threatening. You have to really keep the birds away from the crowd. Let the bird be in a calm and comfortable atmosphere to repel stress and restore its condition.
  2. The sound of water gives a calming effect to the bird's brain. You can rotate the sound of birds at certain times in medium volume.
  3. The atmosphere in the morning can make birds feel in the wild. Therefore, condensation can accelerate stress loss. Condensation can be done from 4:30 a.m. until sunrise. After that, you can bathe the bird and then dry it.
  4. In addition to providing water, you can also give sugar water to speed up the recovery process from stress.

Keep in mind, before Rowo Cucak experience stress, it would be nice if you do early prevention. The trick, place the birds in a clean place and calm environment. Also make sure you buy birds from captivity around the area of ​​residence so there is no need to carry them on long trips. Also choose the type of feed that is liked by birds and do not force it to your will.

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