
These 5 Natural Foods Can Be Additional Feeds for Cucak Rowo

Feed is an important part of the process of growing a bird. Same with other birds, Rowo Cucak must also be given varied and quality feed so that the nutritional adequacy is fulfilled. Generally, the keepers of chirping birds provide the main feed in the form of voer. Voer itself is a processed food whose composition has gone through a research process so that it is claimed to be able to fulfill the main nutrients needed by birds.

Unfortunately giving voer is not enough. Bird hobbyist must also give additional feed ( extra fooding / EF), especially for birds purchased from captivity. The gift is intended to cover the lack of primary nutrition. Sometimes the vitamins and minerals in the voer you buy on the market do not meet the daily nutrition of pet birds. Giving additional food also needs to be done to boost the quality of the birds' chirping.

Rowo Cucak is included in the omnivorous class, which is anything that eats birds, from plants to insects. If you want to provide additional feed, here are 5 alternative ingredients that you can provide.

These 5 Natural Foods Can Be Additional Feeds for Rowo Cucak

1. Centipede

Centipedes are a great addition to feed especially for improving Rowo Cucak's tweet performance . Apart from helping to overcome sound problems, the centipede is also believed to be able to overcome birds that are less lustful.

To make it feed, look for a young centipede, then cut it into pieces. Remove the head and tail because the part contains poison. However, keep in mind that the portion of the gift must be adapted to the character of the bird.

2. Earthworms

Earthworms have long been used as additional feed for chirping birds including Rowo Cucak . The protein content of earthworms is quite high because it reaches 70 percent of all nutrients needed by birds. For this reason, this feed is given to meet the needs of pet birds. In addition to meeting nutritional needs, earthworms can also stimulate birdsong.

Before being made feed, earthworms must be washed first with water until clean. Then, give fresh earthworms to Rowo's Cucak . Do not give worms that have died and smell because they can interfere with the digestion of birds.

3. Papaya fruit

Although it comes from captivity and has been given synthetic feed, Rowo Cucak is naturally all-eating bird. Giving fruits is needed to fulfill the vitamin content. Papaya is known to have a high content of vitamin C, which helps increase endurance.

Make sure the papaya fruit that is given must be cooked so that it is easily digested by birds.

4. Kepok Putih Banana

In nature, white kepok banana is a natural food for Rowo Cucak . These bananas have the characteristics of white fruit flesh, both raw and cooked.

Now it's rather difficult to get bananas that cook perfectly before harvesting. Usually bananas sold in the market are young bananas then given carbide to mature quickly. Therefore, before being given to Rowo Cucak , the banana must be cleaned first. This is intended so that the carbide content of the banana is lost so it is safe for the digestion of birds.

5. Crickets

Another additional meal that you can give to Rowo Cucak is crickets. This insect has been shown to have a high protein content. Even crickets are believed to be able to improve the quality of birdsong. It must be remembered, giving crickets needs to be limited. Because crickets can also increase the lust of birds. If it's excessive, your Rowo Cucak can be over lust.

Before becoming a feed, cricket legs must be removed first to prevent birds from choking. In addition, you also have to squeeze the head of the cricket to make it weak. This method is usually to minimize the risk of crickets biting the mouth or throat of a bird.

So are 5 natural ingredients that you can make as Rowo Cucak feed . This feed is easy to find and the price is more affordable. Good luck.

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