
White Starling Breeding Program in Indonesia

White starling or the Latin name Sturnus melanopterus is an endemic bird species in Indonesia with the status of animals protected by the state and the extinction threat is classified as "Critical" ( Critical Endangered ) by IUCN ( International Union for Conservation of Nature ). The reason for the threat and protection of white starlings is caused by the condition of the population in the wild, which is less than 100 individuals and the distribution area is decreasing. Previously the area of ​​distribution of white starlings was very wide ranging from Java Island, Bali, to Lombok.

The current condition of the white starling population in nature can only be found in a number of locations, such as in Muara Angke National Park, Alas Purwo National Park, Nature Reserve (CA) Pulau Dua West Bali National Park, Baluran National Park, and Nusa Penida Island. It is estimated that the total population is now less than 85. In general, white starlings are adaptable to ecosystem changes. The pressure on the decline in population is precisely due to hunting to meet the interests of homeland bird lovers.

White Starling Breeding Program in Indonesia

White starlings can now only survive in small habitats and are under intense pressure to increase their population. In the IUCN international meeting in 2006, it discussed the efforts to preserve the presence of white starlings in Indonesia. The output of this program is aimed at providing individuals with new white starlings genetically which will then be used for reintroduction programs, as well as being used as a destination for biological studies of less recognizable species.

Given that the program's long-term goals will continue to expand the distribution of white starch dwellings , the program for releasing white starlings back into their habitat is still a temporary end result. The release of white starlings will provide many benefits for human life. Because the white starch plays an important role in the food chain cycle in nature and can control the condition of the ecosystem through its main food, namely caterpillars and insects that often become pests for agricultural crops.

The white starling breeding program is based on a release orientation in the strategy of restoring its population in the open. In the process of breeding white starlings , both the facilities and handling provided are natural, and the maintenance is done carefully and on target so that the white starlings still feel the atmosphere of their natural habitat despite being in captivity. Then training was also held to hone the natural behavior of white starlings that were developed regularly, such as flying exercises and finding their own food, and competing with other herds to survive.

Requirements for Submission of White Starling Breeding Permits

The community is also given the widest opportunity to help preserve endangered species, such as white starlings . If you want to breed protected animals, you need official permission from the local government first. You can get this permit through the Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA). White starlings that can be preserved here are white starlings that have been bought through captivity as well, not captured from their natural habitat. The breeding where you buy it must also have an official permit from BKSDA.

The next thing you need is to complete the requirements of BKSDA. Below are the requirements for filing licenses for individuals (not legal entities).

  1. Have at least two pairs of birds obtained from legal breeding sites.
  2. Provide a photocopy of your KTP.
  3. Submit a cover letter from the village and sub-district where you live.
  4. Make a proposal to permit white starling breeding .

The permit for capturing white starlings is included in the Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP), you can see it in PP No. 12 of 2014. You are required to pay Rp.500,000, - for individual Tangkar permits and Rp. 2,500,000, - for those who have a business entity by transferring it directly to a state-owned account. Valid for five years from the first day of authorization.

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