
Look at the following things before releasing birds

Don't let go of releasing your pet bird! Consider the following tips so as not to arbitrarily release birds.

In general, people release birds with good intentions, such as preserving certain species that are threatened with extinction. However, this must also be done with careful consideration. You cannot arbitrarily release birds which will cause problems later.

Usually, those who carry out this release are people from certain institutions, communities that are engaged in environmental preservation, as well as individuals who are only disappointed with their birds. By following the rules and guidelines, the release of birds has a good impact on the sustainability of the population of the species, or maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. However, if the release of birds is carried out for reasons of loss, this needs to be rethought.

The problem is, for certain people, the release of these birds is precisely done because of their disappointment with domestic birds. Such as dissatisfaction with the voice, susceptible to illness, or having a physical disability that disrupts aesthetic values. And maybe, the most appropriate alternative is to release it. However, instead of making the bird rescued, unknown negative effects came later.

Then, what are the factors that need to be considered in releasing birds? Consider the following points:

Look at the following things before releasing birds

1. Birds that are not in the habitat of their spread

For example, you want to release certain bird species that are spread around America or Europe. Maybe your only goal is that the species can breed in Indonesia, however, this cannot be done because of various factors.

First, the natural character of the bird does not necessarily match the area where the bird will be released. Instead of breeding, the possibility of survival can be reduced. Or, another possibility is that the species is classified as invasive and thus tends to disturb native species that already exist in the habitat.

Second, releasing species not in the area of ​​its spread is illegal activity. In some countries, this is regulated in law and the violation will be subject to sanctions. You don't want to be of course good intentions actually have a bad impact on yourself.

2. Staying sick and potentially spread it

If you have birds that stay overnight, what you have to do is consult with the relevant parties. This is done in order to understand the character and spread of the bird first.

Birds that have diseases caused by bacteria or viruses, potentially transmit the disease to other birds in the wild, or even domestic birds. For this reason, a quarantine process is needed before releasing it.

3. Tame pet birds

Many considerations need to be considered before releasing a domesticated bird. Tame birds will have difficulty adapting to their new wild environment.

In general, tame birds feel more comfortable living in a cage. The food given also tends not to be found in the wild. So, once he is released, the bird will feel shocked. He will tend to look for food that is usually given to him, even though the feed is not necessarily available in the new wild. In addition, the bird may not be able to survive in competition in the wild.

4. The occurrence of cross marriage

If the bird that is released turns out to be successful, another possibility that will occur is cross-breeding. Usually, this cross-breeding will occur in birds with species that are still relatives, and the result is the birth of mules or hybrids.

In fact, interspecies crossing is often carried out in captivity. However, if it happens in the wild, native bird species before marriage will be threatened.

After understanding the points above, of course we can be more careful in releasing birds. Do not let good intentions cause bird impacts in the future.

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