
Tips for Caring for Lovebirds for Beginners

Caring for lovebird requires special knowledge. If a beginner who is taking care of lovebird for the first time does not have basic knowledge about bird care, his love for this tiny and beautiful colored bird can actually be disastrous. Tips to treat the following lovebird can help beginners avoid the disaster.

Tips for Caring for Lovebirds for Beginners

1. Get to know lovebird characters !

Lovebird is a small parrot and is quite popular among homeland bird lovers. The petite is quite popular because it has bright fur colors and chirping like a long snicker. The combination of colors and lovebird chirping will remind people of quiet village life. Yes, lovebird can indeed be found in the wild in Indonesia.

However, lovebird has a special character. As the name suggests, this bird loves its partners very much and becomes aggressive during the mating season. So, maintaining a lovebird should not only be one, but a pair. Especially if the lovebird is more than ten months old and already has a partner!

2. Buy lovebird that has been 'made'!

Taming birds is not easy; experience and patience are needed to do it. Beginner bird lover would be trouble if the bird maintain its 'unfinished' or going . Lovebird is also no exception.

People who are used to maintain the bird was not necessarily want to buy lovebird going . The purchase price is indeed cheaper, but training it takes the fastest time of one year. That is also if the owner is able to treat and train him well.

Buy lovebird 'stuffing' or already 'made' more recommended for beginners. Lovebird is already sufficiently cared for and trained by more experienced people. Usually the owner only needs to take care of this lovebird to make it even more gacor .

3. Give this food!

Lovebird that lives in the wild is omnivorous. He ate grains, fruits, and sometimes insects. When used as a pet, lovebird still needs nutrients from these three types of food.

To make lovebird even worse , this little bird should be fed with sunflower seeds, young corn, and apples. Chirping mania can also add supplements or multivitamins that are widely traded. For lovebird water, boiled water is better to use than raw water because it is more sterile.

Young lovebirds need to be given food to grow healthy, but adult lovebirds only need to be fed twice a day every morning and evening. Food and beverage containers must be cleaned every day to maintain cleanliness.

4. This food must be avoided

Apples are good for lovebird, but apple seeds are dangerous because they contain cyanide. Although low, the concentration of cyanide in apple seeds can be fatal to lovebird . So, when giving lovebird apples, make sure the fruit has been peeled and removed all the seeds!

Other foods that should not be given to lovebird are avocado, chocolate and garlic. In avocado flesh, there is a persin substance that causes narrowing of the arteries. Chocolate is also dangerous because it affects the performance of the central nerve of birds. Eating garlic will cause the bird to experience hemolytic anemia, ie red blood cells are damaged prematurely. If garlic is eaten quite a lot, hemolytic anemia experienced by birds can lead to death.

5. Clean the birds and cages regularly!

To keep lovebird healthy, the cage must be cleaned five days or once a week. Dirt and food scraps on the cage floor must be cleaned. The cage wall must be cleaned because there bacteria can multiply easily. Drying lovebird along with its cage is also good to do, especially if lovebird has just been bathed. This will help the lovebird feel warm while drying the cage.

That's the tips for caring for lovebird that can be followed by beginners. Are you ready to do it?

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