
Indonesian Culture in the 4 Great Ages

It is clearly not that between Culture and History is very closely related, one of which is happening in our country. For this reason, I will review the history of Indonesian Culture which is divided into 4 major epochs, namely pre-historic, ancient, middle and modern. In this post I will just explain the outline first. As for more detailed information, it will be posted later.

Smpn 1 Bungkal

A. Pre-historical Indonesian Culture

Indonesian culture in this era is divided into several points

  • Stone Age
  • Metal Age
  • Megalithicum era

While the conditions of the Indonesian people at this time are divided into 4 points, namely:

  • Paleolithicum era
  • Age of Mesolithicum
  • Neolithicum, and
  • Metal Age

B. Ancient Indonesian Culture

Indonesian culture in ancient times was more focused on public relations in the region around Asia, which in general is divided into:

  • Relationship between Indonesia and Southeast Asia
  • Relationship between Indonesia and South Asia
  • Relationship between the Indonesian people and East Asia

While changes in cultural forms at this time are certainly a little more advanced than in the previous period, namely

  • Art Build
  • Art
  • Literary Arts
  • Craft Art

C. Indonesian Culture in the Middle Ages

If in the previous era, the interaction of the Indonesian people encompassed 3 Asian regions, then in this era one region will increase again, namely West Asia. In short, the process of the cultural relations between Indonesia and West Asia through shipping and trade.

There are interactions or relationships, of course there are changes that occur between the two nations, especially Indonesia and this is one of the factors of cultural or cultural change ... But why do I say 'especially Indonesia' ?. Obviously, even though our nation has established relations with Asian nations at that time, it can be said that cultural change only occurs on the one hand, namely in Indonesian society. For example, many cultures originating from China or India that enter or influence our society time, but the Indonesian culture at that time was not known how much influence it had on the Asian region, especially those who had established interactions.

The question is why only our nation has 'imported' culture from other nations, while our culture cannot 'leave a trace' in the Asian region. Or does our nation at that time not have its own unique culture or art? or myself who really lacks insight? ... hehehe

D. Indonesian Culture in the Modern Age

After Asia, in the early days of modern times, the Indonesian people began exploring interactions with European nations which also occurred through shipping and trade. In addition to knowing culture and art, in this day and age the Indonesian people are more advanced in terms of knowledge, such as politics.

Now those are the 4 epochs of Indonesian national culture that I have shared with you. For more details, as I mentioned in the points above, I will post at another time and opportunity. Thank you for visiting my blog.

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