
Night baths turn out to be useful for chirping birds

Bathing a domestic bird then drying it is a routine that is usually done by bird lovers. But, you know, it turns out that some birds will be better bathed at night?

Night bathing can provide many benefits for chirping birds from the Turdidae and Muscicapidae families. Birds such as Anis, kacer, magai batu, and sikatan need to be bathed at night.

Night bathing is a therapy for these birds to lower their lust. Birds chirping from the Turdidae and Muscicapidae families tend to experience overlapping at night. Night bathing can reduce the intensity. When the lust is stable, the bird will eat more and the sound will be even worse.

Night baths turn out to be useful for chirping birds

However, night showers for birds chirping should not be done carelessly. There are several terms and conditions that must be considered, namely:
  1. Birds must be healthy and fit, not sick and not weak.
  2. Weather conditions are not too cold, not rainy or windy. If the weather conditions are not supportive, birds can be bathed in the house and stored in the room under closed window conditions.
  3. Birds are adults. Birds will preferably not be bathed at night.

The procedures for bathing the night for birds chirping include:
  1. For the Turdidae family, a night bath can be done between 7-10 a.m. Some bird lovers bathe at 9 or 10 at night.
  2. Especially for kacer and magpie birds, night bath therapy should not be carried out on birds because they can cause stress. This also applies to the Muscicapidae family such as decu, sikatan, and all types of flycacther
  3. How to bathe birds can be sprayed smooth or bathed in cages.
  4. The duration of the bath can be adjusted to the habits of birds, around 30-60 minutes.
  5. After bathing, the bird is aerated while given a suitable additional feed. After the hair is dry, the bird can be given a kerodong to get maximum rest.
  6. The next day, birds are condensed so that fast birds have a loud voice (ngeplong).

If the sound of the bird has been tired and the problem of over lust has been overcome, night bath therapy for birds chirping can be stopped. Tonight shower therapy is useful for birds singing but does not apply to all types of birds. Some types of birds may not be bathed at night, such as green cucak and others.

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