
Nine Facts about Lovebirds

Lovebird birds are very well known among chirping mania. Apart from its sound, this bird is sought after because of its exotic feather color. Lovebird birds have many uniqueness that are not widely known. For example, this bird will feed its partner by kissing.

Not only that, here are some unique and interesting facts about lovebird birds:

Facts about Lovebirds

Lovebird, a bird that is faithful to death

After enough age to mate, which is 10 months, lovebird can be mated. This bird will continue to pair to death. The average age of lovebird is up to 15 years.

Lovebird nests vary according to species

Lovebird has the ability to build nests with different shapes depending on the species.

Lovebird carries zoonotic diseases that can be transmitted to humans

Lovebird can carry yeast bacteria and other harmful bacteria that can infect the human body. This bacterium can spread after lovebird has physical contact with pigeon droppings.

Lovebird loves his partner very much

Like humans, lovebird birds appear to show sadness and loss when left by their partners. Especially if the partner dies, lovebird can even be depressed.

Lovebird consists of many species

Currently there are around 9 species of lovebird. All of these species belong to the Agapornis genus and have feathers with a dominant green color. In addition to the 9 original species, there are 20 other types of lovebird which are the result of crossing between species.

Distribution of lovebird population

This bird population is found in the Southwestern United States, San Francisco, and several cities in Africa. In these areas, we can see a lot of lovebird as well as sparrows in Indonesia that fly around the house.

Lovebird lives in a hole

In its natural habitat in the wild, lovebird birds live in holes they make in trees, rocks and bushes. Lovebird birds that live in urban areas are able to adapt and live anywhere.

Lovebird is very aggressive during the mating season

During the mating season, the behavior of lovebird birds becomes very aggressive, especially lovebird face salem.

Some types of lovebird are endangered

Some lovebird species are declared endangered by the IUCN. One of them is a black cheek lovebird from Zambia with a population of around 10,000.

That's 9 facts about lovebird birds. Hopefully it can add insight into chirping mania so that they can take care of lovebird properly and correctly.

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